Good morning fellow cyber-spacers! And Happy Leap Year Day to you!
I have decided that Leap Year Day is the day I am launching out into a new adventure! You see, I have been flirting with the idea of starting my own business (es) for many years now.
It all started back in 2007 when I was in college at Upper Iowa University taking business courses. I majored in Marketing and minored in Psychology, thinking that this would really help me with my business skills. Unfortunately it just bored me to tears!
So, I put my plans of finishing my 4 year degree on hold, fell in love and married my wonderful husband. lol. Funny how life takes it's turns!
Anyway, about a year ago, my husband and I partnered with a company, "Young Living" the industry leader in Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils.
What are Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils?
An essential oil is a liquid that is generally distilled (most frequently by steam or water) from the leaves, stems, flowers, bark, roots, or other elements of a plant. Essential oils, contrary to the use of the word "oil" are not really oily-feeling at all. Most essential oils are clear, but some oils such as patchouli, orange and lemongrass are amber or yellow in color.
Essential oils contain the true essence of the plant it was derived from. Essential oils are highly concentrated and a little goes a long way.
Essential oils are not the same as perfume or fragrance oils. Where essential oils are derived from the true plants, perfume oils are artificially created fragrances or contain artificial substances and do not offer the therapeutic benefits that essential oils offer.
So, back to Leap Year Day....I have been talking and talking about so many goals. Too much talk and not enough action. And I have been boring myself with my plans of how I am going to be successful (I mean I have really talked them to death). I was reading yesterday that sometimes in life you need to commit to your goals the way a parachuting soldier commits to his jump. So, today I am leaping out of the plan of indecision, and into my new career as an Independent Consultant for Young Living. I trust that YHWH, who packed my parachute, has prepared me for this day.
Please follow my blog and watch as my adventure unfolds, with mystery, and intrigue, and a few good laughs along the way!
Happy Leap Year Day and don't forget to pull the rip-cord!
Sashya Clark
Independent Consultant
Young Living Essential Oils